Shall We Continue in Sin So That Grace May Abound

1st Service, Faith Tabernacle, Ota Canaanland

*There are a lot of teachings going around the world today on 'Grace, Grace, Grace'!
* We must put up a fight against sin, so GRACE DOES NOT BECOME DISGRACE.
*You know you more than anybody else
* After this service: take your pen, your diary, write down 1,2,3,4. Examine yourself whether you are in the faith or not. Clear the way to enjoy the blessedness of godliness.
* Every addiction to evil is destroyed in anyone's life today.

For those of us who were not able to be part of the Spiritual Week of Emphasis, please get the materials, sit with them, we can't do any review of that now: it's a whole 3 day of teaching. Please get those materials, equip yourself because God is up to something strange in our lives this time. This year will never end the way other years ended in your life. Amen

You find in some electrical installations, 'Beware' and sometimes they put a picture of a skull. I have never seen a mad man that they are pushing out not to enter the place. In his madness, he sees the skull, he walks away. People don't know the cost of their actions, that's why they keep at them.
They don't know how devastating the cost can be, so they keep doing the same thing, going through the same horror in life.
We need good understanding to abide in the congregation of the living (Proverbs 21:16).

How costly is ungodliness to the believer?
If godliness is that profitable then it must carry a cost because nothing of value is free. Everything of value carries a cost.

1. Ungodliness blocks access to answered prayers (Isaiah 59:1-2)
40 days of fasting: zero. He will not hear!
100 days of fasting: zero. He will not hear!

Without access to answered prayers, we are vulnerable. It's from the prayer altar we obtain grace to help in the time of need, so we become helpless without access to answered prayers (Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 66:18, 1 John 3:22).

My prayer today is that you see the cost and keep yourself.

2. Ungodliness blocks our access to revelation knowledge. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him and He will show them His covenant (Psalm 25:14). He doesn't show to Jack and Harry; He shows them that fear Him – that's what they call revelation.
Job, a man that feared God and eschewed evil (Job 1:1, Job 29:4). Ungodliness blocks our access to revelation, we are only running around with information as if we have attended Motivational Speaking conference; trying to put principles together, most of which never works.
It is not your turn to access revelation until you turn at my reproof (Proverbs 1:23). You know, I (God) hate it and you're doing it; I (God) can't make my Word known unto you.
Every true revelation is revolutionary in nature (Isaiah 60:1-3,8,22). We don't know what we are missing when we have no access to revelation. Revelation is what brings solutions to our issues.
Remember He has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness through the knowledge of him (2 Peter 1:3). Our inheritance is inaccessible without revelation; that's how costly it is (Acts 20:32).

3. Ungodliness stirs unrest (Isaiah 48:22).
Ungodliness creates unrest around us as believers (Hebrews 12:15, Isaiah 32:17).
If you stole anything and you see Police coming near you, your temperature rises. They are asking for the address of a place, they are not asking for you but as soon as you see them (you start shivering).
They say: stop
Nobody has touched you. The wicked man runs when no one pursues him (Proverbs 28:1).

I will tell you one humorous story:
I was going somewhere, they said: what is in your boot?
I said: my things, is your own lost?
They all burst into laughter and I left.
What is my boot? My things or are you looking for your own?
But if you had something strange in your boot, "what's in your boot?" (you will start stammering).

Ungodliness creates unrest that only godliness can settle.
If ye be followers of that which is good, who is he that will hurt you (1 Peter 3:13). That's my insurance. Heavy Life insurance.

Until you hold your peace, God can't fight for you (Exodus 14:14). With unrest, you are blocked out of divine intervention.
Now you have no peace, when will God fight for you? Caution!

4. Ungodliness blocks access to divine wisdom: We all know that there is a Wisdom solution to every human problem. The Bible says the earth was without form and void; God created the wonders that we see today (Genesis 1:2, Proverbs 3:19). Behind creation is the wisdom of God at work.

No matter how shapeless any life might be, there is a wisdom solution to the way forward.
Psalm 104:24
A number of crisis we have today, in families, homes, over children are traceable to wisdom deficiency. If you have access to the right approach, you will get the right result and this comes by inspiration. That is the Holy Spirit comes and breathe into you on the way out (2 Timothy 3:16). God's Wisdom flows principally through inspiration, but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).

Joseph said: "But I fear God" and you saw wisdom oozing forth from him that turned him from a Prisoner to a Prime Minister overnight (Genesis 41:16).
The fear of God gave him access to that dimension of wisdom (Genesis 41:39-40).
The fear of God gives us access to the wisdom of God which flows principally through inspiration.

All these games all over town: lying, deception, playing others. It's what keeps us off access to the wisdom of God, but I know that God is settling many people in this service now. Because when you know the cost, it becomes a non-issue to be willing to pay the price, so as to be free from the devastating cost of ungodliness.

Almost everything about our life in the faith is grounded with ungodliness:
– No answers to prayers!
– No access to revelation! What do you have remaining?
– No peace!
– No access to wisdom. Then life is grounded!

There are a lot of teachings going around the world today on 'Grace, Grace, Grace'!
We must put up a fight against sin, so grace does not become disgrace.
It's a strife, it's a battle, it's a lifelong battle (Hebrews 12:1-4). We must come awake to this fight lest we become victims of the battle.
In dealing with the monster of sin:
1. First, we must purpose to live a godly life. There must be a purpose of heart for anyone to live a godly life, that's where it begins. The reason is: our lot in the Kingdom is our choice (Deuteronomy 30:19). There must be a purpose of heart to live a godly life, that's where the battle line begins.
Every man's choice is what defines his lot in life.
"I will live for Jesus, day after day
I will live for Jesus, come what may
The Holy Spirit, I will obey
I live for Jesus day after day"

Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the king's meat (Daniel 1:8). He won the battle with a purpose of heart. They could not find anything against Daniel (Daniel 6:4-5).
"It doesn't matter" – that's why many of us have not mattered to God.
"That's not for this generation" – there is no generational Bible. The same old Truth settled in Heaven forever.

Job: God testified of Job that he was a perfect man, that's the greatest testimony in the world. Before sin was conquered, Job conquered it. How?
That's where Job's perfection came from; he made a covenant. You look at it all through, you will see the covenant bond, the necessity he placed on himself and God said, "have you considered my servant Job" (Job 31:1-40, Job 1:8).
God was bragging: a perfect man, an upright man, one that fears God and eschews evil (Job 1:8).
How? I made a covenant with my eyes (Job 31:1).
It's important to have a purpose of heart to live a godly life or you will be roughened, defiled and messed up. God forbid!

Daniel had a testimony of his uprightness (Daniel 6:20, 22).
May each one here leaves this service with a purpose of heart to live a life that is pleasing to God.

2. We must continue to watch and pray to stay godly
Why? Satan is hunting for you and me; he has desired you and me that he may sift us wheat; throw us off balance, get us off the back of Jesus (Luke 22:31).

Jesus said, "this is the recipe" (Matthew 26:41).
The spirit indeed is willing, but you need help from above to stay godly.
Watch out against the intruder, don't let him in. When he knocks on your door, there must be no response – no credit today, come tomorrow.
Watch and pray that you fall not into temptation.
The spirit wants to please God, but the flesh is weak, so pray your flesh to be under your feet.
Watch and pray.

When Jesus said that, Peter said, "you can say that to others, I don't need to pray any prayer: I have a sword here. Anyone that comes near, I will cut his head."
There was no soldier that came to him, it was a girl:
"You are one of them" – he (Peter) said Never
Another one came: "Haah, you are one of them" – he (Peter) said, "You don't know what you are saying"
Matthew 26:73-75. He wept and Jesus forgave him.
We are helpless without prayers. Prayer is the altar from where we receive help against the time of need.

Also we understand that some of these issues we are dealing with are demonic and some will not go except by prayers and fasting.
Our weekly fast here as a Church, our monthly 'Spiritual Week of Emphasis' (3 days) as a Church is to help empower our spiritual capacity into next levels among others. So, see it as an opportunity to ward off all unwanted issues around your life.

Matthew 17:20-21
It takes faith to cast out devils, but some stubborn devils will require that you are equipped to deal with them.
We were in a crusade many years ago and a mad man got delivered; we brought him into our camp. Then the evil spirit came on him: he became wild and violent. Some men that had muscles more than I did, were helping out. When he wasn't hearing, they were using their force to hold him.
When they called me, I said, "LEAVE HIM."
Pointed my long finger and released the fire of the word: he came back.
There are some that won't just hear your religious, "in Jesus name." They won't hear it. You need to be equipped to gain command.
* Everything tormenting anyone's life here, leaves you alone from today.

No one can live a godly life without being prayerful. Please take note of that.
It is part of the prayer agenda that Jesus handed to us (Matthew 6:12-13).

3. We must engage the power of His word for our sanctification (Psalm 119:9-11, Ephesians 5:26, John 15:3).
God's word carries cleansing power, sanctifying power (John 17:17). The more we engage with the Word, the cleaner we become.

Receive grace from God right now to live a life that pleases God all the days of your life. Talk to Him right now.

Every unwanted issues in your spiritual life goes off you today.
Whosoever the Son shall set free shall be free indeed. Before the year runs out, whatever you don't want to see anymore in your life, that you know is displeasing to God, gets off you finally.
Somebody says: but that is sin consciousness.
No, that is righteousness consciousness (1 John 3:7)
Don't let anybody pamper you with some funny teachings.
Do you want make Heaven? You better know that no unrighteous man will make it.
To have a great adventure in life! It takes godliness.
To secure eternity! It takes godliness.
Sin is sin, no matter anybody's teachings.

Caution! People are now writing Bibles ohhh; removing what they don't want, putting what they want. There is a version today that doesn't have the Blood of Jesus.
All kinds of manipulation from hell. Caution.
You don't want the grace on your life to be turned to disgrace? Embrace godliness. Go for godliness. Pay the price for godliness and you will be glad you did.

You'll leave this service, you'll take your pen, your diary, write down 1,2,3,4. Examine yourself whether you are in the faith or not.
You should know you more than anybody else and clear the way to enjoy the blessedness of godliness.
Well you got it today.
Every addiction to evil is destroyed in anyone's life today.

… Go ahead: keep turning more people to righteousness and your star will keep rising (Daniel 12:3). You can't have a turn around on your own terms. Whatever He tells you to do, do it.

Do you truly desire a turn around?
1. Make serving God your priority for living and He will give your rest round about (Matthew 6:33, 2 Chronicles 15:15)

2. Keep loving God and prove that you do by loving what He loves most, that is the redemption of man's soul; what eyes have not seen nor ears heard will become the order of the day in your life (Romans 8:28).

*That's your new realm. All things will keep working together for your good from today.

3. Keep feeding on the Word (Proverbs 4:20-22, Luke 6:17-19, Psalm 107:20).

4. Serving God and the interest of His Kingdom (Exodus 23:25)

There is always what to do, to invoke a turnaround:
– Blood cancer cleared off because somebody took up Kingdom advancement endeavour as a way out of her problem.
*The good news is: you will never be stranded again in life.
*You will never be grounded again in life.
*Nothing fails and falls from your hand anymore from today because you serve a Turnaround God.
Going for what the Word says at all cost, that's a candidate for God's turnaround agenda (Psalm 126:1,6).

Lift up your right hand and celebrate your Turnaround God; thank Him for the light that has come your way today.
These are not make-belief stuff. There are many people in this place that have proved this thing and it is working in their lives. There are many believers around the world in every church that have proved these things and it is working in their lives.
It's your turn for a turnaround, don't let any devil deceive you.
Turnaround is your right in Christ (Proverbs 4:18)


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