New Vegas Beyond the Beef Turning the White Glove Society Back Into Cannibals

You'll receive this quest from Heck Gunderson (#1) in the Ultra-Luxe Casino in the New Vegas Strip. This quest is related to the quest Pheeble Will, which you can pick up outside the casino.
Heck will tell you that he came to the Ultra-Luxe Casino to work out a deal with the White Glove Society, but that during the negotiations his son Ted went missing. If you offer to look for Ted, then Heck will gladly accept your assistance. "I'll hire anybody with a pair of legs and at least one good eye at this point."
There are two ways to complete this quest -- a "good" way where you reunite Heck with his son, and an "evil" way where you help the White Glove Society prepare a special dinner. Both ways are detailed below.
Note: You probably won't need to do a lot of fighting during this quest, but if you want to get your confiscated weapons back, then you'll find them in the lockers in the cashier's room (#2).
Another Note: For some reason, the Bathhouse can be extremely buggy for some people (with frequent freeze-ups and crashes). If this is the case for you, then you might want to follow the Evil Path through the quest, since that path won't require you to enter the Bathhouse.
Good Path
For this path, you should talk to Marjorie in the Gourmand (#4). She'll tell you two things of interest: that the White Glove Society used to practice cannibalism but doesn't any longer, and that a bride-to-be disappeared from the casino no more than a week ago. If you ask Marjorie about the earlier disappearance, then she'll mention that the private investigator assigned to the case might still be in the casino, and that you should ask Mortimer about him.
You'll find Mortimer on the Casino Floor (#3). When you ask him about the private investigator, he'll inform you that the investigator hasn't checked out yet, and he'll give you the Investigator's Room Key. However, when you enter the private investigator's room (#5), you'll discover the investigator dead on the floor, and then two White Gloves will enter the room and attack you. You won't gain any White Glove infamy for killing them. After the battle, when you loot the investigator's corpse, you'll find a Matchbook with the message "Steam Room. 4 PM."
Note: If you don't have the Wild Wasteland trait, then the investigator will be an ordinary man named Jay Barnes. If you have the Wild Wasteland trait, then he'll be a redhead with Sunglasses, and his name will be Crusoe. This is a reference to "CSI: Miami."
Another Note: Entering the private investigator's room will prevent you from completing the quest the evil way.
When you visit the steam room (#6) at the right time, you'll find Chauncey there. He'll tell you that Mortimer has been trying to return the White Glove Society to its old ways of cannibalism, and that he's been capturing people (including the bride-to-be and Ted) for them to eat. Chauncey will then give you some suggestions for dealing with Mortimer (see below), but at the end of the conversation an assassin will rush in, kill Chauncey, and then attack you.
To rescue Ted, you'll need to make your way into the Kitchen, where the meals are prepared. You'll encounter a few White Gloves in the area, but the only one you'll need to worry about is the one patrolling the main hallway (#7). If he spots you, then you'll be able to trick him by passing a Speech 55 or Repair 35 check. You can also trick him by dressing up as a White Glove (with White Glove Society Attire and a White Glove Society Mask). If you talked to Marjorie and convinced her to sponsor you for membership into the White Glove Society, then you'll still need to be careful in the Kitchen, but you'll be able to move around freely in the Members Only Section.
When you reach the actual kitchen in the Kitchen (#9), you'll find the chef Philippe there. After trading barbs with him, you'll get a few ways to deal with him.
- With Barter 55, you can convince Philippe that you're putting together a cookbook. If you then pass a Speech 55 check, then you'll get his recipe for "Sweet Veal" for free. Otherwise you'll have to pay him 100 caps for it. You can also steal the recipe or loot it from his corpse. You might need the recipe if you plan to replace the meal (see below).
- With Speech 55, you can convince Philippe to go into the pantry (#11), where you'll be able to lock him up.
- With Medicine 55, you can psychoanalyze Philippe and convince him to leave.
- You can also just kill Philippe.
It's not absolutely necessary to get rid of Philippe unless you're planning to replace the meal, but the freezer where Ted is being held (#10) is right next to the kitchen with Philippe (#9), and Philippe will probably spot you releasing Ted, which will cause him to attack you and cause you to gain some infamy with the White Glove Society. So it's a good idea to remove Philippe from the equation no matter what. Then you can free Ted (by hacking the terminal next to the freezer if necessary) without worry.
You'll then have three ways to complete the quest:
- Drug the wine. You'll find a bottle of wine in the wine room (#8). With Medicine 25 and a dose of Med-X, you'll be able to sabotage the wine and create Drugged Wine. Then when you use the intercom in the wine room, the head waiter will come down and pick up the wine, and when he returns to the Members Only Section, all of the White Gloves there will fall asleep, allowing you to walk Ted right past them. You can also lead Ted back the way you came (through the Kitchen and the Gourmand).
- Replace the meal. For this option, you'll need to get Philippe out of the kitchen (see above) so you can use his oven. Then to cook something convincing, you'll either need Intelligence 6 plus Philippe's recipe, or you'll need Survival 75. Either way you'll end up with an Imitation Strange Meat Pie. Next, you'll need to use the intercom in the kitchen to call down the head waiter so he can pick up the meal. When he returns to the Members Only Section, Mortimer will begin making a speech. If you wait for Mortimer to finish speaking and then run up to him (with Ted in tow) and talk to him, he'll run away and disappear from the game. If you then talk to Marjorie, you'll earn some fame with the White Glove Society (probably enough to make you idolized).
Note: If White Gloves keep attacking you or your companions while you're waiting for Mortimer to finish his speech, then you can simply exit and re-enter the Members Only Section. This will end Mortimer's speech and allow you to talk to him right away.
- Simply escort Ted out, dodging White Gloves as necessary.
When you eventually lead Ted back to his father, you'll earn 500 caps and 500 xp. Heck will demand to know what happened to his son, and if you protect the White Glove Society during this conversation (by lying and saying you don't know what happened), then you'll gain fame with the White Glove Society and the Strip. If you implicate the White Glove Society (even by just blaming Mortimer), then Heck will decide to "blockade" the entire New Vegas Strip, but this won't really change anything in the game.
Note: If Ted dies during the quest, then you can still get a reward from Heck, but you'll only receive 250 caps and 100 xp.
Evil Path
For this path, you should first talk to Marjorie in the Gourmand (#4) to learn that the White Gloves used to be cannibals, and then you should talk to Mortimer on the Casino Floor (#3). If your karma is low enough, or if you admit to being a cannibal, or if you lie about being a cannibal (which requires Speech 62), then he tell you that he's having trouble with the main course for a special dinner he's preparing -- "he's got a powerful and temperamental father." Mortimer will explain that his organization scouted a man named Carlyle St. Claire for the dinner, but that Carlyle escaped and Ted Gunderson got taken in his place, and now things are looking like a "disaster" for the White Gloves. Mortimer will then ask for your assistance, and he'll give you an Ultra-Luxe Kitchen Key, an Ultra-Luxe Freezer Key, an Ultra-Luxe Penthouse Key, and a Cattle Prod to help you out.
Regardless of how you plan to help Mortimer, the first thing you'll need to do is head to the freezer in the Kitchen and talk to Ted (#10). You won't have to worry about dodging White Gloves along the way. If anybody stops you, then you can simply tell them that Mortimer sent you to deal with Ted.
If you release Ted, then he'll begin following you, and when you return to Heck (#1), you'll get a chance to assign blame. As long as you don't implicate the White Glove Society (which might turn Heck against the Strip as well), you'll receive fame for the White Glove Society and the Strip, and you'll be allowed to continue on with the quest. If you say that the White Glove Society was involved, even if you only blame Mortimer, then this is where the quest will end. But either way, Heck will pay you 500 caps for returning his son.
Assuming the quest is still active, you'll now have to decide who to use for the main course:
- Ted. Instead of freeing Ted, you can kill him. You'll then need to pick up Ted Gunderson's Blood from his corpse, and sprinkle it on Heck's bed (#12) and sink (#13) in the penthouse. You'll encounter a pair of hired hands while you're doing this, but nobody will care if you kill them. After framing Heck, when you talk to a securitron outside the casino, you'll be able to lie and claim that you heard a scuffle inside the penthouse. This will cause the securitron to enter the casino and attempt to arrest Heck, but Heck will attack the securitron and get himself killed.
Note: This is the path you should take if you also want to complete the quest Pheeble Will.
- Carlyle. You'll find Carlyle at his house northeast of Freeside's north gate. When you reach him, you'll be given all sorts of options for how to deal with him, including Black Widow, Guns 45, Strength 7, Medicine 45, Unarmed 45, and Speech 45. If all else fails, you can also attack him with the Cattle Prod (or a similar fatigue damaging weapon). For some of these options, you won't need to do anything else to prepare the body, but for the rest you'll need to drag Carlyle over to the dumpster by his house (by pressing the Z key on the PC) and click on the dumpster to stash his body.
- Companion. For this option to work, you'll need to get your (humanoid) companion into the freezer where Ted was (#10). If you're lucky, then your companion will simply follow you inside; otherwise you'll have to use your character to push him or her there. When your companion is inside, you'll then just need to close and lock the freezer to set the stage. You'll lose karma if you complete the quest this way, and you'll also lose any equipment held or worn by your companion.
Regardless of who you choose, when you return to Mortimer to let him know that everything is ready, you'll receive 500 xp and some fame with the White Glove Society (probably enough to make you idolized). If you then wait until after 7pm and ask Mortimer how the meal went, he'll report that everyone loved it and that they're planning a lot of repeat performances.
1 - Heck Gunderson
2 - Cashier
3 - Mortimer
4 - Marjorie
5 - Investigator's Room
6 - Steam Room
7 - Patrolling Guard
8 - Wine Room
9 - Kitchen
10 - Freezer
11 - Pantry
12 - Heck's Bed (Upper Level)
13 - Heck's Sink (Upper Level)
- Exits to the New Vegas Strip.
- Entrance to the Gourmand.
- Entrance to the Bathhouse.
- Elevator to the Penthouse.
- Entrance to Hotel Rooms.
- Entrance to Members Only Section.
- Doorway between the Kitchen and the Gourmand.
- Doorway between the Bathhouse and the Hotel Rooms.
- Doorway between the Kitchen and the Members Only Section.
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