What Is a High Stress Level Number
If a busy work life, money pressures and relationships sometimes leave you feeling stressed and anxious, you're not alone.
Dr. Paul J. Rosch, the current Chairman of the Board of The American Institute of Stress has explained, 'women are twice as likely to experience major depression than men. They are also up to three times more apt to suffer from anxiety disorders.'
So, take a look at these stats and facts to help you build a coping strategy for your day.
A Uni of Tel Aviv study found that if your day job involves little to no contact with others you're 2.4 times to die early. The study tracked 820 adults over 20 years – most of the 53 people who died were office no-mates.
Study author Dr Sharon Toker says that having a good gossip with colleagues prompts the release of stress-reducing hormones that can lower your disease risk.
The News
A new US study fond repeated exposure to images of terror attacks and war zones increased physical and mental illness – so limit your daily viewing to an hour.
The good news: a cinema date could fix it. Research has found that it halves your risk of depression.
People check their inbox 36 times hourly, on average, according to the University of Glasgow.
Constant email access can lead to high blood pressure. Try the free Awayfind app to restrict access without missing anything vital.

52% of British women avoid sex because of body issues. If you're not that confident make lots of eye contact, it will increase your levels of 'love chemical' PEA. (Fembido survey).
People who thought their partner might cheat reacted in ways that ended up enhancing their relationship.
Spending quality time together left couples feeling more committed. Watch a tear-jerker together – it makes the monogamy hormone oxytocin surge by 47%. (Journal of Sex Research, University of New Hampshire).
Comfort Eating
A German study found suppressing comfort food cravings can heighten anxiety, so indulging is good for you.
Most comfort eaters regulate their intake when they're not miserable, so on average eat no more than 19 extra calories a day compared to non-Big Mac bingers.

Women with high levels of the 'anxiety enzyme' alpha-amylase were 29% less likely to conceive than calmer ladies. So take a tea break – the calming effect of theanine in black tea reduces stress hormones.
Women feeling stressed burned 104 calories fewer on average after eating one high-fat meal, compared with their zen peers (Ohio State Uni).
A University of Alabama study found people who sat around and watched a fire for 15 mins saw a dip in blood pressure. A virtual fire will spark the same benefits (try FirePlace, 79p, iTunes)

Chewing Gum
A Northumbria Uni study shows that working gum around your mouth for 15 minutes crushes cortisol levels by 18%, enhances cognitive function and increases blood flow to your brain.
Sitting Down
Scientists have found a direct correlation between anxiety and sitting for long periods. Our sedentary lifestyles are causing sleep disturbances and poor metabolic health, both of which impact negatively on our mood.
87% of people mental outlook improved as a result of owning a pet (Human animal bond research initiative).
Francesca Menato Acting Digital Editor Ces is the resident runner, with 3 marathons (and counting) under her belt.
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What Is a High Stress Level Number
Source: https://www.womenshealthmag.com/uk/health/mental-health/a704212/12-facts-tips-about-anxiety-to-bring-your-stress-levels-down/
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